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  1. March 27, 2021

    I am looking for the black under bumper insert as pictured in the BMW 2008 320i you are wrecking. Do you sell the part separately and if so its price. My vehicle is a 325i E46 2004 model so I am not sure whether the 2008 part would fit.

  2. July 3, 2021

    hi i wanna buy rear bumper of this car

    • July 4, 2021

      Good morning.
      What year is your car?

    • July 7, 2021

      Good morning.
      Are you wanting m-sport or non m-sport?

  3. August 27, 2021

    hello how are you going?
    my vehicle is a 320i bmw with 225/45R17 rims, will these wheels/rims fit my vehicle? is so id like to pay a deposit 🙂

    kind regards, Amir

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